Fill out this Questionnaire / Self Assessment for free and send back to us

Click this link to complete self a self assessment or download the form below and send back to us Questionaire - Assessment .pdf




Level of English: 


If there are any questions you do not wish to answer or you do not understand please leave blank.

Educational Background

What is the highest level of education you have?

English language background - Do you use / need English for Business/ Work,  Education, Religious Reason or Other?

How long have you studied English?

Where have you studied English? When?

Did you study English in a group or one-to-one class? 

What methods did the teacher use? Eg, Course book or authentic materials 

Have you taken any exams in English? Which exams?

Do you enjoy learning English?

What are your strengths in English?

What are your weaknesses in English?

Do you speak any other languages? To what level? 

Course Preferences

What would you like to be able to do by the end of the course that you can’t do now? 

What area of English would you like to improve?

What type of activities do you prefer?

What topics do you want to discuss in class?

What areas of vocabulary are useful?

Would you prefer to use a coursebook, authentic materials or both?

English Skills

Number the categories from 1-7 in order of importance for you:

speaking [   ]                     pronunciation [   ]                grammar [   ]                       listening [   ]

reading [   ]                       writing [   ]                             vocabulary [   ]

How useful will these things be in our classes? Write a score in the boxes. 

1 = not useful           2 =      quite useful            3 = essential             U = unnecessary/do not need

speaking [   ]

pronunciation [   ]

review/revision [   ]

job interview skills [   ]

listening [   ]

grammar [   ]

error correction [   ]

CV writing skills [   ]

reading [   ]

homework [   ]

presentation skills [   ]

Business English [   ]

writing [   ]

tests [   ]

roleplays [   ]

games [   ]

speaking [   ]

pronunciation [   ]

review/revision [   ]

job interview skills [   ]

study skills [   ]


Is there anything else you would like from our classes?                                             

Do you have any other comments?                                                                                      

Written Task 

Please choose ONE of the following tasks and write 100 words.

Option 1:  Write about the last holiday you went on OR A place you have visited and really liked











Option 2:  Write why you would like to learn English.









