IELTS Student Courses to help with Visa, University or Work requirements

For more information on what is the IELTS international English Examination please click the link here 

What is IELTS.pdf 

for more information on marking and band scores see below 

ELTS uses a band scoring system. There are nine bands. 

Each of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) is scored on a scale of 1.0 to 9.0, and students can score half points, (e.g. 6.5). Students will then be given an overall score. For context, the average entry into a British university will require an overall score of 5.5 to 7.5.

Each band corresponds to a description. Here is a closer look at these descriptions in more detail. 

Band 9: Expert user

Complete control: Correct usage and complete understanding.

Band 8: Very good user

Complete control with small errors: Errors may occur in new or stressful situations. Can form advanced and sophisticated arguments.

Band 7: Good user

Advanced control with errors in some situations: Can use sophisticated words, advanced grammar, and can understand challenging arguments.

Band 6: Competent user

Capable control with some errors and confusion: Can use advanced language but usually only in common and everyday topics.

Band 5: Modest user

Limited control of the language: Commits many errors and can have difficulty with general conversation.

Band 4: Limited user

Limited and low-level control of simple words: Can have trouble with simple conversations.

Band 3: Extremely limited user

Cannot follow simple conversations.

Band 2: Intermittent user

Uses simple words to express simple needs.

Band 1: Non user

Knows a few English words: No real understanding of English.